Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Rules

Okay, I figured I would lay out the rules as I've established them for this little adventure. Since it's my game, I basically decided what the rules with be (with some consultation with respected advisers).

1-The tv must always be tuned to ESPN or one of the ESPN family of network channels.
2-It is allowed to watch ESPN2, ESPN Classic, ESPNNEWS and ESPNU.
3-I will only go away from the tv during commercials. If I know I'm going to spend time in a different room (the kitchen, primarily, or my bedroom) then the tv must be turned to ESPN in that room.
4-I am allowed to have other channels in the small box of picture-in-picture on my primary tv, but only if it is sports (this is mainly a concession so I can watch the Celtics play tomorrow night).
5-I am not allowed to play pool, as while I can hear the tvs from where our pool table is located, I can't see them.

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