Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Yeah, I invented a word. Or maybe I didn't. Who knows.

But as I sit here trying to kill time before the next game (just 13 minutes to go) I thought I'd do that bloggy thing, and share some links for some of the websites/blogs I visit most regularly. And I'll warn you, many of them are a bit baseball-centric.

Keith Law writes about baseball for ESPN.com (and is sort of sarcastic and cranky, which I enjoy) but other times he writes about other stuff on his personal blog.

Joe Posnanski writes about a little bit of everything (though mostly baseball) but he's just a really good writer.

Sadly, this website is basically calling it quits, but I encourage you to look through the archives. I think it's the most consistently funny site I've read. And poster Ken Tremendous is now one of my heroes as he's also a writer for The Office.

I'm not a math, or really a betting guy, but I started trying to frequent this site mainly because it's written by an Emory student.

This one
is almost completely baseball. But another sarcastic guy who I enjoy.

If I think of others during the course of the day, I'll pass them along.

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